A detailed work aimed at moving the study of relict hominoids from the fringes of science
to a fully recognized scientific disciplineThe Science of Hominology, by the scientist who coined the term.
Dmitri Bayanov (born 1932), worked directly with early Russian scientists investigating the possible existence of Relict Hominoids.
Bayanovs long journey began in the early 1960s and has continued until this day. This book covers the subject from the dawn of written
communications in Europe and Asia, and then in North America. This book is fascinating and highly educational with a special illustrated section on what we know about North
Americas hominoidthe sasquatch or bigfoot. |

SASQUATCH IN ALBERTA is the republication of the authors earlier work of the same title. It covers Steenburgs investigations of the
ongoing Sasquatch question in the Province of Alberta from 1979 until 2002, when he moved to the lower mainland of British Columbia.
Reports continue to this day. And the main question still persists- Does the Sasquatch indeed exist? And does the creature live in the
forest mountains of Canadas Wild Rose province? Steenburg believes so, and so do the many Albertans who believe they have seen it. |

SASQUATCH IN BRITISH COLUMBIA is a complete reference on sasquatch in BC, from fossilized footprints and petroglyphs to modern-day
sightings and current scientific research. The most comprehensive work on the history of sasquatch in BC, this book includes the earliest
fossilized indications of the existence of the creature, every documented sighting and experience, along with complete outlines of research
undertaken by both pioneers in the field and modern-day scientists. Historical photos and a 32-page color section. A great reference and
also a fascinating read. |

Bigfoot, Sasquatch evidence & sightings from Indian lore. Leave the civilized world behind as RAINCOAST SASQUATCH takes you out
into the rain-drenched forests of the Pacific Northwest on the trail of a living, breathing species of hominid, unlike any known primate today.
Enjoy the mystery as you explore the existence of this elusive creature along the remote coasts of British Columbia and Alaska.
RAINCOAST SASQUATCH is an impressive collection of the first-hand accounts, historical reports and Native folklore that surround
Bigfoot/Sasquatch. Sure to be enjoyed by believers and skeptics alike, this book will make you take a closer look into forests everywhere. |

Kathy Moskowitz Strain, a professional
archaeologist and anthropologist with the U.S. Forest Service in California, presents in this volume a collection of verbatim stories
from 55 native cultures that tell of giants, cannibals, and monsters in North America. The work has been skillfully arranged with native
culture profiles and hundreds of photographs of the respective native people in their various walks of life. Above all, this book is an
adventure into the inner circles of our aboriginal people. It provides a unique insight into a part of their mythology, values, and spirituality.
For those interested in this fascinating branch of human knowledge, this work is invaluable. |

This astounding work brings professional investigative abilities and forensic artistry to the field of Bigfoot studies.
David Paulides, a former police investigator, has applied his skills to questioning Bigfoot witnesses. The results he has achieved in gaining
access to witnesses and getting detailed information from them is both remarkable and intriguing. Furthermore, he commissioned a forensic police
artist to meet with witnesses and sketch the creatures they saw. These drawings provide insights into the creature's nature never before realized.
The result of this team's work is by far one of the most convincing accounts ever written on Bigfoot. |

Dave Paulides brings his law-enforcement investigative and analytical skills to an expanded area of research: the counties in
Northern California that have reported the greatest numbers of bigfoot occurrences, and beyond to Minnesota and Oklahoma. Interviewing
many people who have never discussed their bigfoot experiences publicly before now, the author obtains intriguing details that broaden
our perception of the elusive creature. The expert interview and artistic skills of forensic artist Harvey Pratt help to define the creatures
described by the witnesses - - once again with astonishing and illuminating results. The presentation of startling new forensic evidence
indicates that there truly is an as-yet-unidentified primate living in the wilds of North America. |

The fascinating collection of papers by Dmitri Bayanov, Russias leading hominologist, explores in detail, the connection between reports and evidence of living relict hominoids (Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Almasty) and the old-age folklore regarding human-like beings.
The stories from North Americas indigenous people, and those of Russian and other countries are compared and contrasted to what is now known as probable living relict hominoids. We are taken into the not-too-distant past when both men of science and the churce believed in the existence of being, not quite human. The information begs the question, What came first- the actual beings or the folklore which documents their existence?
This book shares Bayanovs findings. |

THE BIGFOOT FILM CONTROVERSY is the essential story as we know it of Roger Patterson's initial Bigfoot research and the film taken by Patterson and Robert Gimlin at
Bluff Creek, California in 1967. It is a book for Bigfoot researchers, enthusiasts, skeptics and the curious. It is an adventure you will not forget.
Chris Murphy's detailed but easy-reading documentation of the filming, its aftermath and the film controversy is both very informative and entertaining.
Chris has provided us with a nice clean highly illustrated package. He keeps it frank, simple and factual, saving the reader the trouble of wading through superfluous page fillers.

A scientific look at the evidence surrounding the myth of the legendary beast. Science requires solid evidence for the existence of a new species - footprints and sightings by
local people are never enough. A type specimen must be obtained, which is then described in a scientific journal and continues to be available for theory experts to examine.
For modern mammals this normally consists of a skin and skull that show distinctions from all similar specimens. In his book, Dr. Krantz dissects the evidence out there,
using 1965 as the starting point. Using science, his discussions center on footprints, sitings, fossil records, and of course the famous Patterson film. He looks at the difficulty
in faking evidence, and explores the mythology of this creature. |

In this remarkable volume, Dr. Jean-Paul Debenat, a professor of comparative literature (University of Nantes, France) with a flair for anthropology, takes us far
beyond the realm of documented research on the Sasquatch/Bigfoot phenomenon. His extensive travels in North America, skillful investigations, and years of research on the 'wild man'
throughout world history have resulted in this highly authoritative work. Originally published in French, the work has been translated, modified, and enhanced for the English-speaking public.
It is a classic work that will intrigue readers in all walks of life. |

THE BEST OF SASQUATCH BIGFOOT combines legendary Sasquatch Researcher John Green's two best selling titles, ON THE TRACK OF THE SASQUATCH and ENCOUNTERS WITH BIGFOOT. This 144 page
title includes all the original photos and information of his original titles, with an additional 16 pages of new material surrounding the recent controversies of the claims of
fraud by Ray Wallace and others. John Green is the pre-eminent authority on sasquatch. Having been a newspaperman of more than 30 years experience,
he is uniquely qualified to be the chronicler of the investigation as well as one of the leading participants.

The possible existence of large humanlike/apelike creature, a Wild Man, in remote regions across the world continues, to fascinate scientists, artists, explorers, &
the general public. This wild man exists in myths, religious ritual and folkloric traditions in many diverse cultures, but is there any basis for believing he really does lurk in
the mountains throughout Asia? Dr. Debenat presents historical
and modern findings, along with the mythology through which native cultures have explained their wild man experiences, and provides readers with a deeper understanding of this most
fascinating anthropological mystery. |

A re-examination of the story around the capture and disappearance of a mysterious creature in BC in 1884. In July 1884 a major newspaper in British Columbia, Canada
featured a detailed article about the capture of a creature resembling both an ape and a young human boy along the railway line between the towns of Boston Bar and Yale, BC.
Nicknamed Jacko, the creature was taken to Yale and thereafter simply disappeared. The story remained buried for some 75 years. It was then resurrected by researchers in a quest
to discover the truth behind sightings and other evidence of the existence of sasquatch. Since then, the story has been
told and retold in many books and magazines. |

A practical guide combining in-depth knowledge of wilderness exploration and wild animal behavior with detailed information on preparation for large and small
expeditions. World-renowned explorer and wilderness guide, Peter Byrne, combines his in-depth knowledge of wilderness exploration and wild animal behavior to produce this
unique, practical guide, which includes a wealth of detailed information the author provides on planning large or small expeditions into remote areas.
This book is both an interesting read and an essential reference and is full color throughout with many never-before published photographs. |

In October 1967, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin filmed what many people believe was an actual sasquatch or bigfoot on Bluff Creek
in Northern California. With the assistance and cooperation of Robert Gimlin and several major sasquatch/bigfoot researchers, the author has methodically detailed the fascinating
story of the filming and the subsequent events. For those interested in the bigfoot/sasquatch issue, here is the behind the scenes account of what has become to many people the most compelling
evidence of the creatures existence. |

Bigfoot ARE The Locals. They live here. They were here before we humans showed up on the continent and they will likely outlast us. This is a bigfoot book yet it probes
much deeper than a simple treatment of the hackneyed question of Does Bigfoot Exist? This book delves into such questions as why bigfoots exist, why they behave as they do, and why
they have not yet been, and may never be dragged into the spotlight of science and the media. Frightening and humorous
personal experiences are detailed in the manner of the genre we know of as the bigfoot book. We have a lot to learn about The Locals and there is even more we could learn
from The Locals. |

The bible of Sasquatch/Bigfoot, reprinted in its original form. Giant footprints found in northern California in 1958 brought Bigfoot to the attention
of Americans and revived interest in Canada's Sasquatch. John Green has been in the thick of things from the beginning. In SASQUATCH, THE APES AMONG US, first published in 1978, he sampled the
evidence from the earliest records up the late 1970s and from all around the world, then concentrated on two aspects of the subject: the nature of the animal described and the
wealth of reports from parts of North America outside the Pacific Northwest. THE APES AMONG US remains the definitive work on the fascinating subject of
bigfoot. |

Bigfoot is a familiar word today around the world. Since the middle of the last century it indicates a mysterious giant primate of North America, who is also called
Sasquatch. The Russian vision of this research is distinguished by at least three peculiarities: it is based on the combined evidence regarding these primates; it regards these
humanlike beings as relict hominids (hominins by latest primate classification), i.e., the closest relatives of modern man, Homo sapiens; and it firmly takes the existence of
these still enigmatic bipeds for a biological fact, not a popular myth or a scientific hypothesis. The purpose of the book is to substantiate these views and claims. The main
philosophic question posed by it: What is it to be human? |

IN SEARCH OF GIANTS gives accounts of sightings that have occurred over the past twenty years throughout western Canada. Many of these encounters have never been
written about before and all offer insight into this lasting mystery. The puzzle of the sasquatch has been ongoing since the first white men settled the West and heard stories from
the Native population about strange and elusive large, hairy creatures. These stories have endured to present day and eyewitnesses continue to come forward. Unfortunately, no hard
physical evidence has been produced. This book is sure to interest and intrigue even the most skeptical. |

Originally published in 1997 under a different title, the Chris Murphy, Joedy Cook, George Clappison team has completely revised and updated the work. Many new sightings have been
documented and numerous photographs and illustrations have been added. The book has had a complete makeover, with the provision of more and better information on all aspects of the
remarkable bigfoot phenomenon in the State of Ohio. The astounding eye-witness accounts will convince even the most ardent skeptics that the bigfoot
issue has gone far beyond legend and willful fabrications. |

Does a hulking 7-foot-tall humanlike creature, unrecognized by science, roam the green, fertile valleys and lush forests of New York and New England?
For over thirty years, two New York State brothers, Robert and Paul Bartholomew, have methodically researched, documented, and
studied the Bigfoot question in both New York and the New England states. In this volume, Robert and Paul present the full history of the creature in New York and New England together with their analysis and conclusions. |

This book concentrates on twenty-three sightings in Alberta and British Columbia. Was it merely an Indian legend told to early explorers, a story characteristic of
the native's mythical culture? Or, were the stories of giant hairy man-like apes actual reports of an animal that has managed to mystify its researchers and elude western
civilization for nearly 300 years. |

This is no 'ordinary' book on the Bigfoot issue, far from it. Linda Coil-Suchy has reached out to over 8,000 people and obtained many
first-hand eyewitness reports on Bigfoot sightings/incidents together with questions about the creature that people, in general, would like to see
addressed. She has presented the best (most detailed, and most credible) reports verbatim. Most have not been published before in any media.
Linda's highly innovative approach to the subject is augmented with historical Bigfoot accounts (the 'Classics') and other accounts on record. A special color section showing
photographs of some of the best evidence collected to date is also featured. |

Educational material about the probability of bigfoot and the current best guesses as to its habits and its place in the natural world. Michael Rugg, curator of the Bigfoot Discovery
Museum in Felton, CA, has been studying unclassified bipedal primates for over 50 years. |

Monster Hunters DVD -- They rise out of our nightmares and into our world: Monsters, Demons. Since ancient times they've stalked us - the dark dreams of our imaginations.
But could they be more, could they actually exist? Around the world, a band of explorers is now searching for real life monsters. Meet six groups of ordinary people - - Monster Hunters
on an extraordinary mission: to find out if these strange creatures might be living among us. It's a quest that will take them to the edge of darkness and beyond. |

Quest for Bigfoot: A Novel of Adventure for Young People -- Fictional juvenile story about Sasquatch. |

Sasquatch Odyssey DVD -- This humorous film poses fundamental questions about the origins of man, while reveling in the sub-culture which surrounds the Bigfoot mystery.
This is the story of the hunt for Bigfoot and the four men who have been searching for the elusive, mythical creature for the last 40 years. Originally working together on the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Expedition of 1960, funded by a Texas oil millionaire named Tom Slick - these four men began a never-ending
rivalry and a life-long quest to prove the existence of this creature. |

In the vast unexplored regions of America exists a living breathing reminder of prehistoric days. He has several names: 'Giant Hairy Ape,' 'Bigfoot,' and 'Sasquatch.'
He is the counterpart of the Himalayan 'Yeti' or 'Abominable Snowman.' Yes, there does exist an American Abominable Snowman; he is not a myth or a hoax. Come with me as we travel a rugged road into the unknown a road that will take us from the campfires of Indians and mountain men to the
pages of a modern newspaper; a road so charged with excitement and steeped in mystery that you'll never forget one exciting mile of the journey. |

The author, Peter Byrne, is a veteran of the Bigfoot field of research and has written on the topic for nearly fifty years, going back to 1960. Byrne designed and ran
a bigfoot research project now known as The Bigfoot Research Project #1, which lasted for two and a half years. Realizing the
importance of this work, Byrne wrote The Search For Bigfoot (1975), a book which was regarded at the time, and even today, as one of the authoritative works on the topic.
This title takes this 1975 classic and brings together updates and revisions into the 21st Century and includes photos and information never before published. |

MEET THE SASQUATCH is a milestone in the publication of sasquatch information. Never before have so many resources been researched and consulted on the phenomenon,
nor have so many associated photographs been published under one cover, many, for the first time. Chris Murphy, John Green and Thomas Steenburg produced the work to accompany an
extraordinary exhibit at the Vancouver Museum, Vancouver British Columbia in the summer of 2004. While the last chapter on sasquatch has yet to be written, here is the full story of
what we know about the creature to date. The level and quality of research and photographic coverage will amaze both the believers and skeptics alike.
The supplemental information contributed by other researcher, scientists, artists and technicians makes this a unique publication. |

An update of MEET THE SASQUATCH, with a considerable amount of new material added. For this new edition, Chris Murphy again consulted many major sasquatch/bigfoot
researchers, scientists, and others. The information provided is the latest available, and again is highly authoritative. |

An update of two of John Green's prior volumes, On the Track of the Sasquatch and Year of the Sasquatch, published in 1968 and 1970; with many revisions and additions.
This book contains many fascinating stories. |

NEW ARRIVAL! Sasquatch Discovered is the biography of Dr. John Bindernagel - Canada's foremost
sasquatch/bigfoot investigator. His intense childhood curiosity about the natural world, with a particular interest in ornithology,
led to his involvement as a Junior Naturalist and his teacher dubbing him "the scientist" for his in-class contributions.
By high-school, he was practicing good curatorial habits as he collected specimens for the museum he created in the family home.
While in university, he was intrigued by the story of an "ape-man" in British Columbia. During his time in Africa, he became familiar
with the great apes and hypothesized the Sasquatch as North America's great ape. On return to Canada, he chose to live in the Comox
Valley, on Vancouver Island, B.C., and closer to the west coast rainforests - prime Sasquatch habitat. Here he aimed to study and pursue
research on this elusive animal. John Bindernagel was the author of two seminal books, a popular conference speaker throughout North
America, and the Canadian news media "go-to guy" for Sasquatch information. He was beloved by eyewitnesses and amateur investigators
alike but largely dismissed by the scientific community. This book is a tribute to an upstanding man who followed his call and his
passion at great personal and professional expense. He spent his last years championing the unfolding story of the discovery of the
Sasquatch. This is his life's story. |